Reasons to Getting Manual Handling Training for Healthcare Workers

If you work in the healthcare industry, it’s essential to take a manual handling course. This type of training can help you learn how to lift and move patients without injuring yourself or them safely. There are many reasons healthcare workers need to receive this type of training. This blog post will discuss some of the most important ones.

Manual Handling Injuries Are the Most Common Error in the Healthcare Industry

healthcareOne of the main reasons it’s so crucial for healthcare workers to receive manual handling training is that these injuries are the most common error in this industry. Studies have shown that up to 50% of all workplace injuries occur in healthcare.

It is likely because many healthcare workers must lift and move patients regularly. Manual handling injuries can range from minor sprains and strains to more severe injuries such as hernias, back pain, and paralysis. Receiving proper training can help healthcare workers avoid these types of damages.

With This Training, Workers Are More Likely to Sustain an Injury

Another important reason to receive manual handling training is that it can help reduce sustaining an injury. A study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco, found that healthcare workers who received this type of training were less likely to experience a work-related injury than those who did not. The study also found that these workers were more likely to report any damages they sustained. It is expected because they have the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and manage these injuries.

This Training Can Help Workers Lift and Move Patients Properly and Safely

One of the main reasons manual handling injuries occur in healthcare workers is that they often don’t know how to lift and move patients safely and adequately. This type of training can help teach them the proper techniques. It can also help them learn how to adjust their movements depending on the size and weight of the patient. With this knowledge, they can avoid injuring themselves or the patients.

The Training Is Available Online and In-Person

mriAnother reason to get manual handling training is that it is available online and in person. It means that you can take the course at your own pace and in a convenient location for you. If you’re unable to take the course in person, there are many online options that you can choose from. One of the best options is the Alert Force manual handling training. Visit for more information.

No matter your job title in the healthcare industry, it’s essential to receive manual handling training. This type of training can help you stay safe and injury-free while working. It’s also a great way to learn how to lift and move patients properly. If you’re unsure about where to find this type of training, contact your local health and safety organization for more information.…